E atât de cald afară încât te topești văzând cu ochii. Bine că există câteva metode prin care să ne răcorim și noi. Am luat ojele-n mână și-am zis că dacă tot nu mă pot duce la piscină să mă răcoresc, am decis să aduc piscina pe unghiile mele. Așadar, m-am folosit de ojele Farmec Pool Party (ca bază) și Deep Dive (pentru water spots).
It's so hot outside that you can melt, literally. Thank God for the few methods we have to cool down. I picked up my nail polishes and I told myself that if I can't go to a pool to cool down, the least I can do is bring the pool party on my nails. So, I used Farmec's Pool Party (as a base) and Deep Dive (for the water spots).

It's so hot outside that you can melt, literally. Thank God for the few methods we have to cool down. I picked up my nail polishes and I told myself that if I can't go to a pool to cool down, the least I can do is bring the pool party on my nails. So, I used Farmec's Pool Party (as a base) and Deep Dive (for the water spots).
S-aveți parte de-o zi răcoroasă!
Have a chill day!
Until next time, yours,
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